Jun 30, 2015, 12:23:40 PM (10 years ago)

Fixes in Profile Registry documentation

1 edited


  • branches/PublicaMundi_David-devel/docs/services/process-profiles.rst

    r696 r698  
    1313<http://www.zoo-project.org/trac/changeset/607>`__, and this solves
    1414the issue of writing many ZCFG with same input and output. A registry
    15 can be loaded (before any other ZCFG files) and contain a set of
    16 Process Profiles organized in hierarchic levels according to the
    17 following rules:
    19   * *Concept*: The higher level in the hierarchy. *Concepts* are basic text files containing an abstract description of a WPS Service.
    20   * *Generic*: A *Generic* profile can make reference to *Concepts*. It defines inputs and outputs without data format or maximum size limitation.
     15can be loaded by the ZOO-Kernel (before any other ZCFG files) and
     16contain a set of Process Profiles organized in hierarchic levels
     17according to the following rules:
     19  * *Concept*: The higher level in the hierarchy. *Concepts* are basic
     20    text files containing an abstract description of a WPS Service
     21    (see `the OGC definition
     22    <http://docs.opengeospatial.org/is/14-065/14-065.html#33>`_ for
     23    more details).
     24  * *Generic*: A *Generic* profile can make reference to
     25    *Concepts*. It defines inputs and outputs without data format or
     26    maximum size limitation (see `the OGC definition
     27    <http://docs.opengeospatial.org/is/14-065/14-065.html#34>`_ for
     28    more details).
    2129  * *Implementation*: An *Implementation* profile can inherit from a
    22     generic profile and make reference to concepts. It contains all
    23     the metadata information about a particular WPS Service (see
    24     :ref:`ZCFG reference <services-zcfg>` for more information).
    26 Both *Generic* and *Implementation* process profiles are created  from :ref:`ZCFG <services-zcfg>` files and stored in the registry sub-directories
    27 according to their level (*Concept*, *Generic* or *Implementation*).
     30    generic profile and make reference to concepts (see `the OGC definition
     31    <http://docs.opengeospatial.org/is/14-065/14-065.html#35>`_ for
     32    more details). It contains all the metadata information about a
     33    particular WPS Service (see :ref:`ZCFG reference <services-zcfg>`
     34    for more information).
     36Both *Generic* and *Implementation* process profiles are created  from
     37:ref:`ZCFG <services-zcfg>` files and stored in the registry
     38sub-directories according to their level (*Concept*, *Generic* or
    2941To activate the registry, you have to add a ``registry`` key to the
    3042``[main]`` section of your ``main.cfg`` file, and set its value to the
    31 directory path used to store the profile ZCFG files.
     43directory path used to store the profile ZCFG files. Please see
     44:ref:`install_gfr` for more details about the other services and
     45parameters required.
     47.. note::
     48    Even if the profile registry was first introduced in WPS 2.0.0, it
     49    can be also used in the same way for WPS 1.0.0 Services.
    178198    </DataOutputs>
     200.. _install_gfr:
     202Setup registry browser
     205In the ``zoo-project/zoo-services/utils/registry``  you can find the
     206source code and the ``Makefile`` required to build the Registry Browser
     207Services Provider. To build and install this service, use the
     208following comands:
     210.. code::
     212     cd zoo-project/zoo-services/utils/registry
     213     make
     214     cp cgi-env/* /usr/lib/cgi-bin
     217To have valid
     218``href`` in the metadata children of a ``wps:Process``, you have to
     219define the ``registryUrl`` to point to the path to browse the
     220registry. For this you have two different options, the first one is to
     221install the ``GetFromRegistry`` ZOO-Service and to use a WPS 1.0.0
     222Execute request as ``registryUrl`` to dynamically generate `Process
     223Concept <http://docs.opengeospatial.org/is/14-065/14-065.html#33>`__,
     224`Generic Process Profile
     225<http://docs.opengeospatial.org/is/14-065/14-065.html#34>`__ and
     226`Process Implementation Profile
     228You also have to add a ``registryUrl`` to the ``[main]`` section to
     229inform the ZOO-Kernel that it should use the Registry Browser to
     230create the href attribute of Metadata nodes. So by adding the
     231following line:
     233.. code::
     235    registryUrl = http://localhost/cgi-bin/zoo_loader.cgi?request=Execute&service=WPS&version=1.0.0&Identifier=GetFromRegistry&RawDataOutput=Result&DataInputs=id=
     237The second option is to pre-generate each level of the hierarchy by
     238running shell commands then set ``registryUrl`` to the URL to browse
     239the generated files. In such a case, you will also have to define the
     240``registryExt`` and set it to the file extension you used to generate
     241your registry cache.
     243To generate the cache in ``/opt/zoo/registry/``, use the following command:
     245.. code::
     247    cd /usr/lib/cgi-bin
     248    mkdir /opt/zoo/regcache/{concept,generic,implementation}
     249    for i in $(find /opt/zoo/registry/ -name "*.*") ;
     250    do 
     251        j=$(echo $i | sed "s:../registry//::g;s:.zcfg::g;s:.txt::g") ;
     252       if [ -z "$(echo $j | grep concept)" ];
     253       then
     254           ext="xml" ;
     255       else
     256           ext="txt";
     257       fi
     258        ./zoo_loader.cgi "request=Execute&service=wps&version=1.0.0&Identifier=GetFromRegistry&RawDataOutput=Result&DataInputs=id=$j" | grep "<" > /opt/zoo/regcache/$j.$ext;
     259    done
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.


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