
Version 18 (modified by djay, 12 years ago)

Add Trevor Clarke to the developper list

Join the ZOO Tribe !

The ZOO Tribe is the ZOO Community which gathers a growing number of users and developers distributed worldwide. It is mostly composed of GIS experts, programmers, modelers and researchers who want to build the ZOO ecosystem. The ZOO Tribe is a public and democratic group which is opened to anybody interested in GIS, Open Source, Web Processing Services or related topics.

Get involved in the ZOO

Several ways to get involved in the ZOO Tribe are proposed to you:

  • Download and use ZOO for your Web GIS projects
  • Promote ZOO in your community, company, university...
  • Post new ideas and comments using the contacts section
  • Take part of the developemnt of new ZOO Services using FOSS4G
  • Bring a new code and make it become a ZOO Service !

ZOO Tribal Council (PSC)

The ZOO Tribal Council (ZTC) is the ZOO Project Steering Comitee, which manages and administers the project which is maintained, improved, and supported by the small but growing developer community. The ZTC is composed of the following people (by alphabetical order):

ZOO core developers

  • David SAGGIORATO (aka david)
  • Gérald FENOY (aka djay)
  • Angelos Tzotsos (aka kalxas)
  • Luca DELUCCHI (aka lucadelu)
  • Marco NEGRETTI (aka nmarco)
  • René-Luc D'HONT (aka reluc)
  • Trevor Clarke (aka tclarke)
  • Luca DELUCCHI (aka lucadelu)


ZOO Sponsors

http://www.zoo-project.org/trac/chrome/site/img/geolabs-logo.pnghttp://www.zoo-project.org/trac/chrome/site/img/neogeo-logo.png http://www.zoo-project.org/trac/chrome/site/img/apptech-logo.png http://www.zoo-project.org/trac/chrome/site/img/3liz-logo.png http://www.zoo-project.org/trac/chrome/site/img/gateway-logo.png

Become a sponsor !

Knowledge partners

http://www.zoo-project.org/trac/chrome/site/img/ocu-logo.png http://www.zoo-project.org/trac/chrome/site/img/gucas-logo.png http://www.zoo-project.org/trac/chrome/site/img/polimi-logo.png http://www.zoo-project.org/trac/chrome/site/img/fem-logo.png http://www.zoo-project.org/trac/chrome/site/img/supsi-logo.png http://www.zoo-project.org/trac/chrome/site/img/cumtb-logo.png

Become a knowledge partner

Related links

http://zoo-project.org/img/ogclogo.png http://zoo-project.org/img/osgeologo.png