
Version 4 (modified by djay, 14 years ago)

Add Demo page links

ZOO Services Examples

GDAL ZOO Service

The GDAL ZOO Service is based on GDAL source code and copyright. This ZOO Service aims to provide some basic raster processing operations to your ZOO Kernel installation. Learn more and read documentation on the official GDAL website.

Implemented functions

creates regular grid from the scattered data
converts raster data between different formats

OGR ZOO Service

The OGR ZOO Service is based on OGR source code and copyright. This ZOO Service aims to provide some basic vector spatial operations to your ZOO Kernel installation. Learn more and read documentation on the official OGR website.

Implemented functions

Single and Multiples geometries operations
converts simple features data between file formats

Demo page

Base-Vect-Ops ServiceProvider Demo Page.

OO ZOO Service

The OO ZOO Service is based on OpenOffice source code and copyright. This ZOO Service aims to provide a link between OpenOffice server and your ZOO Kernel installation. Learn more on OpenOffice server and howto setup your ZOO Kernel to support OpenOffice? U.N.O.

Implemented functions

convert an .odt document to other formats

Demo page

ODT Exporter Demo Page.

QR ZOO Service

The QR ZOO Service is based on QREncode source code and copyright. This ZOO Service aims to provide 2D barcodes creation capability to your ZOO Kernel installation. Learn more and read documentation on the official QREncode website.

Implemented functions

creates 2D barcode from an input url

Demo page

QREncode Demo Page.


Context Navigation

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Related links

http://zoo-project.org/img/ogclogo.png http://zoo-project.org/img/osgeologo.png