Dec 27, 2016, 6:34:38 PM (8 years ago)

Add the initial C# language support.

1 edited


  • trunk/docs/services/howtos.rst

    r771 r794  
    66:ref:`services_index` are quite easy to create once you have installed the ZOO Kernel and have
    77chosen code (in the language of your choice) to turn into a ZOO service. Here are some
    8 HelloWorlds in Python, PHP, Java  and JavaScript with links to their corresponding
     8HelloWorlds in Python, PHP, Java, C#  and JavaScript with links to their corresponding
    99``.zcfg`` files.
     12.. contents:: :depth: 3
    201 Specifically for the Java support, you may add the following two
     204Specifically for the Java support, you may add the following three
    202205sections to your ``main.cfg`` file:
    311314  }
     319Specifically for the C# support, you should add the following
     320section to your ``main.cfg`` file.
     324   This section is used to define both ``libPath`` and ``etcPath``
     325   required by the Mono .NET Framework.
     330Before you build your first ZOO-Service implemented in Mono, you
     331should first build the ``ZMaps.dll`` containing the Mono ZOO-API.
     333.. Note:: You should build ZOO-Kernel prior to follow this instructions.
     335.. code-block:: guess
     337  cd zoo-api/mono
     338  make
     340Then you should copy the ``ZMaps.dll`` in your ``servicePath`` or in
     341the directory where your ``zoo_loader.cgi`` file is stored.
     343The ZOO-API is available from a C# class named ZOO_API and provides
     344the following static variables:
     347   Value to return in case your service end successfully.
     348:int SERVICE_FAILED:
     349   Value to retrun in case of failure.
     351The ZOO-API provides the following static functions:
     353:string Translate(String s):
     354   This function call the internal ZOO-Kernel function responsible for
     355   searching a translation of ``s`` in the zoo-services dictionary.
     357:void UpdateStatus(ZMaps conf,String pourcent,String message):
     358   This function call the updateStatus ZOO-Kernel function responsible
     359   for updating the status of the running service (only usefull when
     360   the service has been called asynchronously).
     363C# ZCFG requirements
     366.. Note:: For each Service provided by your ZOO Mono Services Provider
     367          (your corresponding Mono class), the ZCFG File should have
     368          the name of the Mono public static function corresponding to the
     369          service (case-sensitive).
     371The ZCFG file should contain the following :
     374    Mono
     376    The full name of the C# dll containing the ZOO-Service Provider
     377    (including ``.dll``).
     379    The namespace of the C# class containing the ZOO-Service Provider.
     381    The name of the C# class containing the ZOO-Service Provider definition.
     383C# Data Structure used
     386The three parameters of the function are passed to the Mono static
     387function as ``ZMaps`` which are basically
     390Sample ZOO C# Services Provider
     393.. literalinclude:: ../../zoo-project/zoo-services/hello-mono/test.cs
     394   :language: csharp
     395   :lines: 24-100
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