10 years |
djay |
Add Doxygen documentation configuration file and index.
10 years |
djay |
Introduce the Process Profiles Registry with its documentation.
10 years |
david |
fix leak
10 years |
knut |
Altered the path of stored response files from …
10 years |
david |
- amqp integration
10 years |
david |
- sql status management
10 years |
david |
- json tools to convert map and maps data structures
10 years |
knut |
Implemented default result file extensions for many MIME types, based …
10 years |
djay |
10 years |
djay |
10 years |
djay |
Location for cc-sa png.
10 years |
djay |
Small fixes in the documentation.
10 years |
djay |
Small fixes.
10 years |
nbozon |
tried again
10 years |
nbozon |
corrected mistake again
10 years |
nbozon |
corrected mistake typo
10 years |
nbozon |
corrected license link again
10 years |
nbozon |
corrected license link again
10 years |
nbozon |
corrected license link
10 years |
nbozon |
Added licensing mentions on docs guide too
10 years |
nbozon |
Added licensing mentions on documentation
10 years |
knut |
Implemented asynchronous HTTP POST Execute requests on Windows …
10 years |
djay |
Add the PHP ZOO-API, fix issue if ZTS is not defined, correct loading …
10 years |
knut |
Added MIME type text/html to list of default file extensions. Fixed …
10 years |
knut |
Added code required for HTTPS requests.
10 years |
knut |
Increased memory requirement in calls to getMapsAsKVP() (see comment …
10 years |
knut |
Added option to specify other program name than zoo_loader.cgi (WIN32 …
10 years |
djay |
Continue adding initial doxygen comments.
10 years |
djay |
Continue adding initial doxygen documentation.
10 years |
djay |
Add initial doxygen comments in some C files, for future documentation …
10 years |
knut |
Added function getLastErrorMessage() (service_internal.c). Fixed …
10 years |
djay |
Remove uneeded debug message.
10 years |
djay |
Code cleanup, description of some functon included in the code, …
10 years |
nbozon |
Remove past workshop materials from 2010,2012 and 2013
10 years |
djay |
Add 2014 workshop material.
10 years |
nbozon |
more corrections on the ZOO OTB support doc
10 years |
djay |
Fix typo.
10 years |
djay |
Fix file encoding
10 years |
nbozon |
Fixed typos on the ZOO OTB support doc
10 years |
nbozon |
Few corrections on the ZOO OTB support doc
10 years |
djay |
Small fixes otb documentation.
10 years |
nbozon |
Basic documentation for setting up the ZOO OTB support
10 years |
djay |
Remove uneeded encoding seting for kmz.
10 years |
djay |
Add support for expected_generated_file in case we can predict that …
10 years |
djay |
Add kmz output support, small fix in readGeneratedFile.
10 years |
djay |
Add kmz output support.
10 years |
djay |
Fix keywords settings with svn propset svn:keywords 'HeadURL Date …
10 years |
djay |
Remove multiple definitions.
10 years |
djay |
Small fix in copyright location.
10 years |
djay |
Fix in autotools.
10 years |
djay |
Add OTB Application Observer.
10 years |
knut |
Fix to ensure that only configuration files whose name ends with .zcfg …
10 years |
knut |
Added null pointer checks in service_internal_php.c. In WIN32 version, …
10 years |
djay |
Fixes for OTB support. Add --with-itk and --with-itk-version options.
10 years |
knut |
Changed the WIN32 version of function zGettimeofday. Changed return …
10 years |
david |
- change user privileges
- add new parameters in main.cfg
10 years |
djay |
Small fix in README for otb2zcfg.
10 years |
djay |
Fix version number in configure.ac.
10 years |
djay |
Add otb2zcfg and OTB applications support without observer by now. Fix …
10 years |
david |
- Adding Process Management
10 years |
david |
- FCX_Stream integration
10 years |
djay |
Created branch/tags for the 1.4.0 release
10 years |
djay |
Small fix for mimeType of results for CGAL services
10 years |
nbozon |
corrected 1.4 mentions in docs
10 years |
djay |
Add branch-1.4 and rel-1.4.0-rc1 for the upcoming release 1.4.0-rc1.
10 years |
djay |
Small fixes in cgal Makefile, update testing script, update HISTORY.txt
10 years |
djay |
Add AnyValue? node only when input is not a boolean.
10 years |
david |
- fix indent
10 years |
djay |
Remove uneeded debug message.
10 years |
djay |
Fix yaml service naming. Add javax javaxx optional sections in the …
10 years |
nbozon |
Updated list of develloppers in /docs
10 years |
djay |
Correct use of outputs in Java services.
10 years |
nbozon |
Various minor corrections of zcfg files
10 years |
djay |
Add ZOO-Client initial documentation.
10 years |
djay |
Small fix for storing mimetype properly.
10 years |
david |
- Fix Leak
10 years |
david |
- bug fix on C services execution
10 years |
david |
- remove metapath parameter for python and js support
- use conf in …
10 years |
david |
- Fix syntax error
10 years |
djay |
Fix link isue reported by Andrea
10 years |
djay |
Add few lines about the Java ZOO-API installation.
10 years |
djay |
Fix #106 and #108
10 years |
djay |
Add simple example of Java ZOO-API use
10 years |
djay |
Add the Java ZOO-API.
10 years |
david |
- Get service configuration in configuration data structure for …
10 years |
david |
- Add ZOO services, update for debian 7
10 years |
david |
- Add install target, and fix cflags
10 years |
david |
-add libgeos, libcgal checking
10 years |
david |
- check libxslt install
10 years |
david |
- add Delaunay service configuration file
10 years |
david |
- adding an install target in the zoo-kernel Makefile
10 years |
djay |
Update ZOO-Client API and add its jsdoc documentation.
10 years |
djay |
Call exit from the child processes and make sure to remove zombies …
10 years |
djay |
Use the _getStatus function to use unique identifier and free the …
10 years |
djay |
Use unique identifier as reference for asynchronous service execution.
10 years |
david |
Fix syntax
10 years |
david |
-loading files configuration on startup
-devel version with probably a …
10 years |
david |
- Move main function form cgic.c to zoo_loader.c to prepare zoo …
10 years |
djay |
Fix leaks in ZOO-Kernel.
10 years |
djay |
Apply updates of the PHP support and fixes in ulinet provided by Knut …